Fires Breakout Across Israel

Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 Major fires broke out in forested areas west of Jerusalem on Wednesday afternoon, prompting the Israel Fire and Rescue Services to evacuate dozens of residents in the area. Later in the afternoon, several more fires broke out in the northern...

Michigan Confirms First Deadly Virus Case

Michigan health officials on Monday reported the state’s first confirmed human case of the deadly hantavirus. The case under investigation by e health officials involved a woman in Washtenaw County, "recently hospitalized with a serious pulmonary illness from Sin...

PBS Airs Drag Queen Story Hour

The New York City Department of Education featured a drag queen known as Little Miss Hot Mess in a show aimed at 3 to 8 year old's. In partnership with PBS member station WNET-TV and the NYCDOE The program aired in a series called "Lets Learn".“I am a drag queen and a...

California – Oregon Water Crisis Worst In 127 Years

The water crisis along the California-Oregon border is now catastrophic this week as U.S. Bureau of Reclamation shut off irrigation water to farmers. Regulators also said they would not send extra water to dying salmon downstream or to other wildlife refuges that are...

IDF Ground Troops Enter Gaza Strip

 Israeli Defense Forces have pushed ground troops into the Northern Gaza strip this Friday morning. Heavy fighting and barrages of missile fire are being reported. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to exact a “very heavy price” from Hamas, the Gaza-ruling...

Israel Calls Up Reserves

Israel is calling up more than 5,000 reserve soldiers to help bolster its defenses Tuesday as rockets continue to fly into its territory from Gaza, striking buildings and prompting warning sirens to wail in cities and towns throughout the region. The mobilization...

Over 150 Rockets Fired At Israel

Monday evening, IDF Spokesperson Jonathan Conricus provided an update on the situation in Israel after 150 plus rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel.“Since 6:00 p.m. this evening, Hamas and other Palestinian organizations have fired dozens of rockets at Israeli...

Terrorist Fire Rockets On Southern Israel

Nati Shohat/Flash9Terrorists inside of the Gaza Strip launched several missiles at southern Israel Sunday evening. The rockets were fired towards the seaside city of Ashkelon.Israel's Iron Dome missile defense network was activated during the attacks. Witnesses in...


Dead Fish In LebanonA large number of dead fish have been recently washed ashore at the lake according to reports on Monday May 3rd, 2021. The Lebanese army continues to collect tons of dead fish at Lake Qaraoun in West Bekaa. The massive fish deaths...


For the first time in 70 years, the Day of National Prayer assembly was denied the permit to assemble on the Nations Capitol. From Patrick Mahoney's Facebook post "For 70 years, there has been a public witness on the National Day of Prayer at the U.S. Capitol...
Israel Calls Up Reserves

Israel Calls Up Reserves

Israel is calling up more than 5,000 reserve soldiers to help bolster its defenses Tuesday as rockets continue to fly into its territory from Gaza, striking buildings and prompting warning sirens to wail in cities and towns throughout the region. The...

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Michigan Confirms First Deadly Virus Case

Michigan Confirms First Deadly Virus Case

Michigan health officials on Monday reported the state’s first confirmed human case of the deadly hantavirus. The case under investigation by e health officials involved a woman in Washtenaw County, "recently hospitalized with a serious pulmonary illness from Sin...

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PBS Airs Drag Queen Story Hour

PBS Airs Drag Queen Story Hour

The New York City Department of Education featured a drag queen known as Little Miss Hot Mess in a show aimed at 3 to 8 year old's. In partnership with PBS member station WNET-TV and the NYCDOE The program aired in a series called "Lets Learn".“I am a drag queen and a...

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California – Oregon Water Crisis Worst In 127 Years

California – Oregon Water Crisis Worst In 127 Years

The water crisis along the California-Oregon border is now catastrophic this week as U.S. Bureau of Reclamation shut off irrigation water to farmers. Regulators also said they would not send extra water to dying salmon downstream or to other wildlife refuges that are...

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IDF Ground Troops Enter Gaza Strip

IDF Ground Troops Enter Gaza Strip

 Israeli Defense Forces have pushed ground troops into the Northern Gaza strip this Friday morning. Heavy fighting and barrages of missile fire are being reported. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to exact a “very heavy price” from Hamas, the Gaza-ruling...

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Israel Calls Up Reserves

Israel Calls Up Reserves

Israel is calling up more than 5,000 reserve soldiers to help bolster its defenses Tuesday as rockets continue to fly into its territory from Gaza, striking buildings and prompting warning sirens to wail in cities and towns throughout the region. The mobilization...

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Over 150 Rockets Fired At Israel

Over 150 Rockets Fired At Israel

Monday evening, IDF Spokesperson Jonathan Conricus provided an update on the situation in Israel after 150 plus rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel.“Since 6:00 p.m. this evening, Hamas and other Palestinian organizations have fired dozens of rockets at Israeli...

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